About Inkthinker

INK-think-er. noun.
1. a passionate reader and writer who eats, breathes, and sleeps the written word.
2. kristen king, 30something word nerd who’s passionate about bridging the perceived gap between paper and pixels.

When I started Inkthinker over at Blogger.com in 2006, I had no idea that just a few short years later, I’d be where I am today. It was more of an experiment than anything else, but it turned into something of a phenomenon. The community that gathers here is a diverse group of writers and readers of all backgrounds and interests with one thing in common: They think I’m awesome. Okay, no, I’m kidding. What they have in common is that they love writing, learning, and communicating on paper and in pixels, and that is what Inkthinker is all about.

This blog initially chronicled my journey from freelance wannabe to real, live freelance writer — and now it tracks and ins and outs of my life as a full-time virtual communications professional working completely from home around kids, dogs, and my husband while still managing to have a life. I don’t have all the answers, but I’m finding tools and systems and techniques that work for me. I hope you’ll be able to use them, too, or at least use them as a starting point for finding your own solutions.

My vision for Inkthinker is that you’ll find not only humor and tips to help you through the work day, but also proof that anyone, even a fresh-faced, astonishingly enthusiastic and optimistic Jersey girl straight out of college, can do the freelance thing if they’re committed to it and not afraid to make mistakes or face rejection. And, you know, if they don’t suck at writing–but that’s a story for another day. It’s also proof that, if you want to, you can parlay your freelance gig into a full-time job that marries the benefits of self-employment with benefits, a steady paycheck, and fascinating daily work.

That’s my story. What’s yours? I look forward to reading it in your comments on the blog.
